Terjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Indonesia ! Tolong bantu yaa.. besok di kumpulin :) The name television comes from the greek word tele, meaning far, and the latin,
B. inggris
Terjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Indonesia !
Tolong bantu yaa.. besok di kumpulin :)
The name television comes from the greek word tele, meaning far, and the latin, word videre, meaning to see. Thus, television means to see far. Most pictures and sounds received by a television set are beamed from a television station on electronic signals called electromagnetic waves. The televisions sets changes these waves back into pictures and sounds.
About a fourth of more than 1.000 television stations that stands in the united states are commercial stations. The rest are public stations. Commercial stations are those that sell advertising time to pay for their operating costs and to make a profit. Public stations are nonprofit organizations. They generally on business, government, and public contributions to pay their operating costs. In addition to receiving commercial and public station, millions of home subscribe to cable televisions and pay television system viewers pay a fee for this subscription program services.
Tolong bantu yaa.. besok di kumpulin :)
The name television comes from the greek word tele, meaning far, and the latin, word videre, meaning to see. Thus, television means to see far. Most pictures and sounds received by a television set are beamed from a television station on electronic signals called electromagnetic waves. The televisions sets changes these waves back into pictures and sounds.
About a fourth of more than 1.000 television stations that stands in the united states are commercial stations. The rest are public stations. Commercial stations are those that sell advertising time to pay for their operating costs and to make a profit. Public stations are nonprofit organizations. They generally on business, government, and public contributions to pay their operating costs. In addition to receiving commercial and public station, millions of home subscribe to cable televisions and pay television system viewers pay a fee for this subscription program services.
1 Jawaban
1. Jawaban indiraaleeza
Nama televisi berasal dari kata Yunani Tele, yang berarti jauh, dan latin kata Videre yang berarti untuk dilihat. Dengan demikian, televisi berarti melihat jauh. sebagian besar gambar dan suara yang diterimaoleh pesawat televisi dipancarkan dari stasiun televisi dengan sinyal elektronik yang disebut gelombang elektromagnet. televisi set mengubah gelombang ini kembali menjadi gambar dan suara.
sekitar seperempat lebih dari 1.000 stasiun televisi yang berdiri di Amerika Serikat merupakan stasiun komersial. Sisanya adalah stasiun publik. Stasiun komersial adalah mereka yang menjual waktu iklan untuk membayar biaya operasional mereka dan menghasilkan keuntungan. Stasiun publik adalah organisasi nirlaba. Mereka umumnya mengandalkan bisnis, pemerintah, dan masyarakat untuk membayar biaya operasional mereka. selain menerima stasiun komersial dan publik, jutaan rumah berlangganan televisi kabel dan membayar pemirsa televisi membayar biaya untuk layanan program berlangganan ini.
maaf klo ada yang salah, semoga membantu :)