buatlah kalimat (+),(-),(?) dalam bahasa inggris dari nomor 1 - 8
B. inggris
buatlah kalimat (+),(-),(?)
dalam bahasa inggris
dari nomor 1 - 8
dalam bahasa inggris
dari nomor 1 - 8
1 Jawaban
1. Jawaban azahra789
1. (+) They are pumping the tires.
(-) They are not pumping the tires.
(?)Are they pumping the tires?
2. (+)She is going to eat.
(-)She is not going to eat.
(?)is she going to eat?
3. (+)They are praying before they eat.
(-)They aren't praying before they eat.
(?)are they praying before they eat?
Sorry Klo slh dan cuma bisa segini doang